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Just Eat

Globally scalable loyalty platform

image of people eating wraps and poke bowls

The client

Just Eat Take​away​.com is a lead­ing glob­al online food deliv­ery mar­ket­place, con­nect­ing con­sumers and part­ners through its plat­forms.

As an online food deliv­ery mar­ket­place, Just Eat Take​​ facil­i­tates the online order­ing, pay­ment and occa­sion­al­ly, ful­fil­ment of orders. Just Eat utilizes a hybrid mod­el which builds on their mar­ket­place her­itage (where part­ners do their own deliv­ery) with deliv­ery ser­vice (for part­ners with­out their own deliv­ery capa­bil­i­ties).

The Challenge

Through the acquisition of in 2014, Just Eat inherited a points-based loyalty program, which they replicated on their platform in 2016. The program revolves around earning points by ordering food. These points can then be used to redeem offers in the loyalty platform.

After a 2-year period Just Eat had seen enough evidence that the program enabled them to stimulate favorable customer behavior. Just Eat decided it was time to improve and scale up the program and roll it out across multiple markets. INFO was selected as the partner to help them develop the new platform on their core systems.

Our solution

Scalable, future-proof and highly integrated

The main goal was to develop an integrated platform that was robust, secure and scalable. Not only scalable in terms of hosting and traffic, but also in terms of flexibility. The system needed to form a strong base that can adapt to different situations in the future.

We proposed a technical approach on how to best integrate the platform into their core systems and cloud environment. We also reframed how the system should work in order to incorporate with international governance structure and local differences.


Looking ahead to make the right decisions

Through collaborative sessions we created a long-term product vision with a strong emphasis on improving awareness, engagement and customer satisfaction. Apart from several usability improvements and a visual overhaul, we put a lot of work into preparing the system for future improvements, including full integration with the main platform.

Most improvements were related to allowing the loyalty team to control the flow of point distribution and optimizing displaying the offers. We also redesigned the CMS from scratch to improve general ease of use and prioritized features to better align with future plans.

Daily collaboration and agile product development

This is the first time Just Eat allowed an external party to build part of their core system. In order to do so, INFO and Just Eat formed a team for daily collaboration. Just Eat delivered an experienced product owner and stakeholders were involved on a daily basis. We delivered the new platform using the Scrum methodology, combined with INFO’s regular scope governance meetings to evaluate progress. During the development track we formed the global roll-out strategy for six European countries, starting in France. Thanks to the strong collaboration and hard work on both sides, the new loyalty program was successfully launched in France end of October, with other countries to follow.



The team at INFO has shown to be very capable of dealing with complex, business-critical systems in a fast-paced organization as ours. They are transparent, professional and fun to work with; a great result-driven digital partner! 


Tim Scheerboom, Global Director Retention Marketing – Just Eat


Get in touch and let’s see how we can help you advance.

portrait of Hoite
Hoite Polkamp

Director of Business Development